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Show us your RAM Riding Dogs!

Weve got two ram traveling companions. Both are Chihuahua & dachshund & terrior mix mutts. I can tell you this, there the baddest two things to ever walk the land, at least that's what they think. Absolutely scared of nothing and they have been to 3/4 of usa so far. Every where we've been they run the show. 20200411_113134.jpgthe one on the lt name is tai chi chi ( aka cheech) and the one on the rt name is Madison ( aka mooms). Cheech walks around like a tn walking horse and wants all the attention and mooms thinks she is a pit bull and try to start a fight with every dog, no matter the size.
Im sorry, i had to post this. When we were younger we use to do coast to coast dachshund rescue and all though this pic is not from us, it always makes us smile and wonder how they ever got that shot. Probably should of posted on the funny pics thread but thought this was more appropriate.Screenshot_20200414-175636.png
Im sorry, i had to post this. When we were younger we use to do coast to coast dachshund rescue and all though this pic is not from us, it always makes us smile and wonder how they ever got that shot. Probably should of posted on the funny pics thread but thought this was more appropriate.View attachment 7373
Getting that shot must have been like winning the lottery! I can’t get one dog and one kid to look at the camera at the same time.