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2022 Ram 1500 Uconnect issues


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Hey folks. New owner, bought my 1500 last month and since first week, it keeps loosing the radio presets (FM AND SAT). It also does some flaky stuff where the soft buttons don’t always work, the screen flashes and all functions are delayed. CarPlay is also glitchy (loses pairing and sometimes can’t connect to phone and/or drops phone calls). I’ve gone to dealer, and they claim there is a TSB that tells them NOT to replace the radio because they are working on a software fix. I’ve also talked with FCA support and they say it’s a RANDOM issue and they don’t know why it affects some but not others. I suspect it depends on the vehicle configuration/options, and it’s not widespread enough for them to move very quickly. Does anyone have any other ideas or info on this issue? This is the 8” unit, NO Nav. TIA
No, ive been seeing on here that alot of other people are having the same problem, with no fix yet. Once I start seeing people getting a solution, I'll take it in.
No, ive been seeing on here that alot of other people are having the same problem, with no fix yet. Once I start seeing people getting a solution, I'll take it in.
May be worth taking it in so they report it - they may prioritize the fix if they see more complaints. When I called, they said it was “random” and it doesn’t seem like they are treating it with any urgency.
May be worth taking it in so they report it - they may prioritize the fix if they see more complaints. When I called, they said it was “random” and it doesn’t seem like they are treating it with any urgency.
That's crap. There is nothing 'random' in broken code. Software is pure binary logic and doesn't 'randomly' decide to screw up. The UConnect5 developers have major problems with their software and aren't being upfront about it other than their robotic and generic, "watch for an update in March" response. If I could have bought my new truck without UConnect I would have. Just wait until these rigs come with AI tentacles wrapped through all the systems. Makes me shudder to think about.
That's crap. There is nothing 'random' in broken code. Software is pure binary logic and doesn't 'randomly' decide to screw up. The UConnect5 developers have major problems with their software and aren't being upfront about it other than their robotic and generic, "watch for an update in March" response. If I could have bought my new truck without UConnect I would have. Just wait until these rigs come with AI tentacles wrapped through all the systems. Makes me shudder to think about.
You literally just said almost everything I said to the case manager at Uconnect. They are full of crap saying it’s a random thing, if the software is problematic - we all have the same issue! Otherwise it’s a hardware problem, so replace the damned unit. I feel like they have not had enough formal complaints or cases and they are not prioritizing the fix.
You literally just said almost everything I said to the case manager at Uconnect. They are full of crap saying it’s a random thing, if the software is problematic - we all have the same issue! Otherwise it’s a hardware problem, so replace the damned unit. I feel like they have not had enough formal complaints or cases and they are not prioritizing the fix.
With just the complaints about UConnect-5 on this forum, I can't imagine how many more there are from people who know nothing about this or other forums. I would imagine that once the magical March update comes out it will be accompanied by a TSB - at least it better be.
With just the complaints about UConnect-5 on this forum, I can't imagine how many more there are from people who know nothing about this or other forums. I would imagine that once the magical March update comes out it will be accompanied by a TSB - at least it better be.
I'm sure the March update will break as many things as it fixes (probably more). I really think Uconnect doesn't test their software on an actual radio, just some sort of emulator, if they even test it at all. Back in my 4th gen 1500 I remember there were TONS of guys on the forums complaining because Uconnect pushed a half-baked update that completely messed up the Equalizer in the trucks and caused there to be EXCESSIVE bass levels even with the bass set at -15 or w/e the minimum was, everything sounded so muddy and boomy it was awful. Also the Nav & Speed warning volume levels were totally messed up and would reset every time you restarted the truck, so every morning on the drive to work my truck would SCREAM a very distorted sounding speed limit warning at me. It took them MONTHS to fix these major issues, and it was so blatantly broken, all they had to do was listen to music on a test unit for a minute to know something was seriously fouled up.

I know from a few friends that work at software companies (one being Samsung) in sales and tech support, the programmers are the worst employees in the building, they're unbelievably lazy and take no responsibility for anything and always try to blame somebody else for problems and they face no consequences because the higher ups think they're irreplaceable. I suspect Uconnect is in the same boat with their programmers, couple that with the higher ups pushing hard deadlines, and you get the garbage we see in our radios. I'm sure the programmers slap stuff together at the last possible second and figure, "well if there's any problems we'll patch it later with the next scheduled update"
I'm sure the March update will break as many things as it fixes (probably more). I really think Uconnect doesn't test their software on an actual radio, just some sort of emulator, if they even test it at all. Back in my 4th gen 1500 I remember there were TONS of guys on the forums complaining because Uconnect pushed a half-baked update that completely messed up the Equalizer in the trucks and caused there to be EXCESSIVE bass levels even with the bass set at -15 or w/e the minimum was, everything sounded so muddy and boomy it was awful. Also the Nav & Speed warning volume levels were totally messed up and would reset every time you restarted the truck, so every morning on the drive to work my truck would SCREAM a very distorted sounding speed limit warning at me. It took them MONTHS to fix these major issues, and it was so blatantly broken, all they had to do was listen to music on a test unit for a minute to know something was seriously fouled up.

I know from a few friends that work at software companies (one being Samsung) in sales and tech support, the programmers are the worst employees in the building, they're unbelievably lazy and take no responsibility for anything and always try to blame somebody else for problems and they face no consequences because the higher ups think they're irreplaceable. I suspect Uconnect is in the same boat with their programmers, couple that with the higher ups pushing hard deadlines, and you get the garbage we see in our radios. I'm sure the programmers slap stuff together at the last possible second and figure, "well if there's any problems we'll patch it later with the next scheduled update"
You are certainly correct about higher-ups pushing hard deadlines. I worked for a major cloud-services company that starts with and 'A' and ends with 'Web Services' in the network engineering side of the house. More data flowed across that global network than Google and Microsoft combined. Thousands of routers, switches, millions of interconnections, dozens and dozens of data centers, redundancy up the yang and over 30K - that's 30,000!! - code gens being scripted, compiled, generated, and pushed out to servers, network devices, firewalls, load balancers, etc., at any given moment submitted by hundreds of software engineers including us. Even with hard deadlines and such, there was still a heavy hand of testing, quality control, and roll-back procedures if things went south. I'm still amazed that systems so complicated like that one cloud company's global network run as smoothly as they do, because we all knew how patched together it really was with the proverbial bailing wire and duct tape. Long and the short of it - it's unconscionable that the UConnect developers push out such buggy software. Compared to other systems, UConnect can't be THAT complicated. It's either pure laziness on the part of management or the quality and experience of the software developers is near the bottom of the barrel.
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I totally agree with what you're saying. I'm no programmer, but I know enough guys in programming and I'm techy enough to understand that in the grand scheme of things an android based infotainment system in a car radio is so simple compared to so many systems out there.

There's no excuse to cover why uconnect is release beta level or earlier software to the end user.
You are certainly correct about higher-ups pushing hard deadlines. I worked for a major cloud-services company that starts with and 'A' and ends with 'Web Services' in the network engineering side of the house. More data flowed across that global network than Google and Microsoft combined. Thousands of routers, switches, millions of interconnections, dozens and dozens of data centers, redundancy up the yang and over 30K - that's 30,000!! - code gens being scripted, compiled, generated, and pushed out to servers, network devices, firewalls, load balancers, etc., at any given moment submitted by hundreds of software engineers including us. Even with hard deadlines and such, there was still a heavy hand of testing, quality control, and roll-back procedures if things went south. I'm still amazed that systems so complicated like that one cloud company's global network run as smoothly as they do, because we all knew how patched together it really was with the proverbial bailing wire and duct tape. Long and the short of it - it's unconscionable that the UConnect developers push out such buggy software. Compared to other systems, UConnect can't be THAT complicated. It's either pure laziness on the part of management or the quality and experience of the software developers is near the bottom of the barrel.

Ya'll have had your fair share of massive outages...

Just saying. LOL. Probably double Alphabet and MS combined too. ROFL.

I know my Roomba was sad one day.
Ya'll have had your fair share of massive outages...

Just saying. LOL. Probably double Alphabet and MS combined too. ROFL.

I know my Roomba was sad one day.
No doubt on the outages. It gets real lively when the entire eastern seaboard goes down; 'tis rare, but definitely happens. Whew!! You knew it was a biggie when Twitter went hot on it. Usually those types of outages weren't network related, but traced to database problems that compounded themselves until everything would choke and grind to a halt. But users don't care - they just want it UP!! I'm retired now, though. Years of that kind of tension takes a toll on the 'ole mind and body. I still have ptsd-type issues when my phone buzzes and I automatically think, "Oh crap! Some backhoe operator must have dug up a fiber bundle in Singapore. I got 20 minutes to figure this out before the sirens blast off and the hornets nest explodes!!!" Ha ha, sure don't miss those days!
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No doubt on the outages. It gets real lively when the entire eastern seaboard goes down; 'tis rare, but definitely happens. Whew!! You knew it was a biggie when Twitter went hot on it. Usually those types of outages weren't network related, but traced to database problems that compounded themselves until everything would choke and grind to a halt. But users don't care - they just want it UP!! I'm retired now, though. Years of that kind of tension takes a toll on the 'ole mind and body. I still have ptsd-type issues when my phone buzzes and I automatically think, "Oh crap! Some backhoe operator must have dug up a fiber bundle in Singapore." Ha ha, sure don't miss those days!

LOL @ IT ptsd. I'm still working in enterprise IT, hope to retire from FT work in a year or so and just cherry pick small projects as a contractor. Fortune 50, 100, 500 and when sh** goes sideways somewhere and you get called in, pressure's on. Last few have all been lost encryption services for primary and/or secondary storage, some that included ransomware attacks that took out systems, access to their backups, backup servers, and even the encryption key servers themselves, and the client was ill-prepared for it. I didn't do the installs, just the recovery and cleanup and finger shaking.
LOL @ IT ptsd. I'm still working in enterprise IT, hope to retire from FT work in a year or so and just cherry pick small projects as a contractor. Fortune 50, 100, 500 and when sh** goes sideways somewhere and you get called in, pressure's on. Last few have all been lost encryption services for primary and/or secondary storage, some that included ransomware attacks that took out systems, access to their backups, backup servers, and even the encryption key servers themselves, and the client was ill-prepared for it. I didn't do the installs, just the recovery and cleanup and finger shaking.
Good luck with the remainder of your IT career. I loved every minute of mine (25 yrs) except for the last 2 years when my brain started freezing on me. I remember looking at a routing table on a Juniper device and it all looked like Russian cyrillic gobbly-gook. (Thank God no one was looking over my shoulder.) I lived in routing tables (BGP/MPLS/OSPF even Cisco EIGRP) and I couldn't make sense this time; I couldn't find the flag I knew must be there to cause a certain network to blackhole. That's when I knew my glory days were in the past. From then on the tension got to me worse and worse. Now I'm getting me a new truck, soon a trailer or camper, and looking forward to some good travel/camping adventures without having to stick to a timeline. Cheers! BTW, your knowledge of the security-side of the house is valuable knowledge to have. You'll be able to almost write your own checks if you don't already do that.
Hey folks. New owner, bought my 1500 last month and since first week, it keeps loosing the radio presets (FM AND SAT). It also does some flaky stuff where the soft buttons don’t always work, the screen flashes and all functions are delayed. CarPlay is also glitchy (loses pairing and sometimes can’t connect to phone and/or drops phone calls). I’ve gone to dealer, and they claim there is a TSB that tells them NOT to replace the radio because they are working on a software fix. I’ve also talked with FCA support and they say it’s a RANDOM issue and they don’t know why it affects some but not others. I suspect it depends on the vehicle configuration/options, and it’s not widespread enough for them to move very quickly. Does anyone have any other ideas or info on this issue? This is the 8” unit, NO Nav. TIA
I have had all the same issues with my truck. Its a 2022 1500 limited. Touch screen does not work half the time. Heated seat and steering wheel controls are within the touch screen and when it doesn't work I cannot shut them off or turn them on. Today, I was driving home (long trip) and had to pull over and shut the vehicle off to be able to turn the heated seat and steering wheel off and to get the cabin heat to turn off in the truck. We were all sweating but couldn't get it to work. I disconnected my phone completely and it still have issues.
Have taken it to dealership and all they say is there is an update coming, but there never is an update. Why should we be paying for a vehicle of this price when the electronics do not work. The night prior I was using android auto and had the navigation set to the hotel I was headed to. The screen all of a sudden went black and I couldn't get the directions back. Couldn't use my cell phone either because it was connected via android auto. Had to find a place to pull over disconnect phone and then reload the address to my phone to get to my location. If I can't have my phone connected then I can't use hand free calling either. The screen freezes and it's terrible. I have recorded many times with my cell phone the issues I am having, but they don't want to see it. It's going back to the shop this week. They never want to watch the videos.......but then say they can't get it to recreate the issues. I really think a class action lawsuit is in order if they won't fix it. I don't want a vehicle that doesn't work properly, especially for the price I paid.
I have had all the same issues with my truck. Its a 2022 1500 limited. Touch screen does not work half the time. Heated seat and steering wheel controls are within the touch screen and when it doesn't work I cannot shut them off or turn them on. Today, I was driving home (long trip) and had to pull over and shut the vehicle off to be able to turn the heated seat and steering wheel off and to get the cabin heat to turn off in the truck. We were all sweating but couldn't get it to work. I disconnected my phone completely and it still have issues.
Have taken it to dealership and all they say is there is an update coming, but there never is an update. Why should we be paying for a vehicle of this price when the electronics do not work. The night prior I was using android auto and had the navigation set to the hotel I was headed to. The screen all of a sudden went black and I couldn't get the directions back. Couldn't use my cell phone either because it was connected via android auto. Had to find a place to pull over disconnect phone and then reload the address to my phone to get to my location. If I can't have my phone connected then I can't use hand free calling either. The screen freezes and it's terrible. I have recorded many times with my cell phone the issues I am having, but they don't want to see it. It's going back to the shop this week. They never want to watch the videos.......but then say they can't get it to recreate the issues. I really think a class action lawsuit is in order if they won't fix it. I don't want a vehicle that doesn't work properly, especially for the price I paid.
We all feel your pain. I specifically didn't order my truck with NAV and the 12" screen, and never pair my phone with UConnect. Being a career IT network engineer, I've become a staunch curmudgeon against most technology as I'm aware of all the software development pains that are increasingly tied to everything. The 'coming update', which is supposed to be this month sometimes, is touted as the Holy Grail to everyone's UConnect problems. I'll be extremely surprised if there is a net benefit once the upgrade hits the airwaves.
Hey folks. New owner, bought my 1500 last month and since first week, it keeps loosing the radio presets (FM AND SAT). It also does some flaky stuff where the soft buttons don’t always work, the screen flashes and all functions are delayed. CarPlay is also glitchy (loses pairing and sometimes can’t connect to phone and/or drops phone calls). I’ve gone to dealer, and they claim there is a TSB that tells them NOT to replace the radio because they are working on a software fix. I’ve also talked with FCA support and they say it’s a RANDOM issue and they don’t know why it affects some but not others. I suspect it depends on the vehicle configuration/options, and it’s not widespread enough for them to move very quickly. Does anyone have any other ideas or info on this issue? This is the 8” unit, NO Nav. TIA
I have a 2022 Ram 3500 and having the same preset issues, it's been into the dealer 3 times and now they are claiming it's a software issue. I'm still waiting for a software upgrade. This to me is total crap! This UConnect system is full of bugs. I spent $70,000 on the rig and radio doesn't work, should have bought a Ford.