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NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY


Active Member
Oct 29, 2022
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Found in a Spanish elementary book. Follow the dix to see which one is poking the thing in the rear. WTF is wrong with these people

Lulz, you believe it's in an elementary school book because you saw it on the Internet? Never believe the media, traditional or social, especially if it is designed to evoke any emotion or outrage. It's an attention based economy, and controversy means attention which means clicks which means ad revenue and/or "influencer" standing which equals ad revenue...

It's a real book, mind you, but it's an adult comedy/satire work and not something for schools. "Baby Jesus doesn't hate the ladybugs" is the literal translation. Ladybug = slang for gay.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2022
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Lulz, you believe it's in an elementary school book because you saw it on the Internet? ..

Guess i shouldve said it was a book found iIN an elementary school. Yes, according to the news story the book was found in an elementary school and when asked about it the teacher said it was there "accidently"


Active Member
Oct 29, 2022
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Guess i shouldve said it was a book found iIN an elementary school. Yes, according to the news story the book was found in an elementary school and when asked about it the teacher said it was there "accidently"

Pretty different to say it's an elementary book vs found in a school. What's your news story, Twitter? Link?

Still call ********.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2022
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Pretty different to say it's an elementary book vs found in a school. What's your news story, Twitter? Link?

Still call ********.

Sick and twisted either way, and all the moreso if drawn for adult consumption. Pretty sure in the US even drawing kids doing that is against the law and the author would no doubt be enjoying getting his fudge packed courtesy of the feds.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2022
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Sick and twisted either way, and all the moreso if drawn for adult consumption. Pretty sure in the US even drawing kids doing that is against the law and the author would no doubt be enjoying getting his fudge packed courtesy of the feds.

It is illegal if you can show that they are kids or likely to be mistaken as kids. Nobody is getting arrested for it. Prosecutorial and investigative resources have more than they can handle with real children being exploited. I think you'd have a pretty tough time proving beyond a reasonable doubt any of those drawings are of children, anyway. I work Homicide and even I get ick-ed out talking to the Crimes Against Children detectives. I would have had a very short career working in that office, hats off to those who can do it.

But, yes, it's offensive and that's the point. Same as the "artist" who put a crucifix in urine decades ago and got a ton of press for it. It has exactly as much power as you give it, if people didn't need their little boost of dopamine from being outraged and ignored it then he would still be some nobody failed artist. Same here.

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